“To be happy you must have taken the measure of your powers, tasted the fruits of your passion, and learned your place in the world.”
– Santayana, Epigraph to M.F.K. Fisher’s, The Gastronomical Me
There are times in life that bring you back to where you started. Years ago, I wanted to write about food rather than study law. I was debating this prospect with my father at the admitted students’ weekend of my law school over a decade ago, only to have him urge me, “Study law, and you can do anything after.”
So here I am, taking a pause from my many years in corporate law, to focus on writing. I am giving myself the gift of this time to complete my book, study French, and write about food in the city I love most.
We have only one short life, so why not complete a dream that is a decade overdue?
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